Sunday, December 20, 2009

*UPDATE*Senator Reid..Emails..Links..Manager's Amendment? PDF Link Right Here!

I have been rather hard on my Senator as of late, during all the health care stuff, but Senator Harry Reid was here in Las Vegas last night at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Campus and he gave quite a speech.  I was unable to attend, but he was kind enough to send  me his remarks, so that I would be able to share them with my readers.  I would sincerely like to thank Senator Reid for never forgetting to listen to the voice of this one little disabled mom of 4.  He never forgets this little citizen with the crooked spine who almost fell over after two solid hours of trying to help those Pilots get the word out that day because my health could barely hold up, but the Senator listened and came through!  He never fails to respond to my blog, to my questions, to take my calls, even when I give him a hard time.  I am grateful, Senator Reid, this little Citizen thanks you for always taking to the time to simply listen and respond.  

Here is the Senator's Health Care Remarks from the UNLV Judy Bayley Theatre last night, Thursday January 7, 2010:

After decades of waiting and years of suffering, in just a matter of weeks this health insurance reform bill will become law. We are closer than ever to making this dream a reality.
We've come this far and stand this close because of you. Don't let the political rhetoric andWashington photo-ops fool you - it's you who've made this possible.
Every day the people of Nevada have spoken to me in person, visited my office, written me letters, and called me on the phone - all to share their stories and help explain to America why doing nothing is not an option.
I've listened carefully to your stories - I've even shared many of them on the floor of theUnited States Senate - and I've thought about each and every one of them as we wrote this good bill.
Too many hardworking Nevadans don't need statistics to tell them that our state suffers more than almost any other from a broken health insurance system. And I'm here to tell you that when President Obama signs this bill into law, Nevada will benefit more than almost any other.
Nevada has the second highest rate of uninsured citizens in the nation. That often leads to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and as you know Nevada has the highest rate of foreclosures in the country. And in far too many cases, lack of health insurance leads to more sickness and even death - in fact, America is the only developed country in the world where dying for lack of health care is even possible.
That's what I mean when I say that doing nothing is not an option. And that's why I am proud of what this bill will do.
It will make health care affordable for half a million Nevadans who today have none, and lower premiums by as much as $1,600 for those who do.
It will stop greedy insurance companies from denying health care to the sick. That happens to thousands every day in Nevada and across the nation - but when this bill becomes law, that number will drop to zero.
It will ensure consumers like you have more choices, and ensure insurance companies face more competition.
For seniors, it will mean free annual check-ups. And it will close that loophole known as the "doughnut hole" so seniors can finally afford all of their prescription drugs - instead of having to decide which pills to split and which to skip.
This bill will also add years to the life of Medicare, which will add years to the life of our seniors. Let me be clear, if you're on Medicare, you won't see a single cut to the benefits you receive. In fact, our bill gives you more. I would never push a bill that would do anything less than strengthening this vital program.
It will make more Nevadans eligible for Medicaid, and I made sure it will do that in a way that protects our state's economy. It will give 24,000 small businesses in Nevada a tax credit to help them cover their employees and their families. And because more people will be able to go to the doctor, this bill will help bring more doctors to our state, and will supportcommunity health centers. As we do all this, we will slash our children's deficit in dramatic measure.
We may not completely cure this crisis today or tomorrow, but we must get started toward that end. That's what this bill does - it starts to trade a system that demands you pay more and get less for one in which you will pay less and get more.
You've no doubt heard a lot of myths and rumors about this bill. Some people say that we should solve the health care crisis by eliminating mandates and allowing insurance companies to get away with providing less care than they already are. Let me tell you, they are dead wrong.
I think it's too bad that some care more about politics or partisanship or polling than they do about the health of their neighbors. Because affording to live a healthy life isn't about politics, or partisanship, or polling.
It is about people.
It's about making sure no Nevadan has to choose between taking their mother to the doctor or sending their daughter to college.
It's about making sure no Nevadan has to hear a health insurance company tell them they are too risky to help.
It's about helping all Nevadans and all Americans - those fortunate enough to have health care, and those who do not.
It's about making the ability to afford a healthy life in America a right and not merely a privilege for the wealthy.
When health insurance reform becomes a reality - and we're closer than ever to that day: the uninsured will benefit - and so will the insured; seniors will benefit - and so will children;small business owners will benefit - and so will their employees; the healthy will benefit - and so will the sick.
And more than almost every other state in America, Nevada will benefit.
We're doing this because it is not a question of politics - it is a question of morality. It isn't about left and right - it's about right and wrong.
Health insurance reform is about saving lives, saving you money and saving Medicare. It's about human suffering. And given the chance to relieve this suffering, we must take it.

So, on an ending note, I will be re-reviewing his materials, and studying them again, and writing a new opinion within the week, based on this and some other new materials I have received. I thank the Senator for keeping us informed.
I opened up my email inbox this morning to get yet another one of the mass emails from my Senator, Harry Reid, bragging yet again about this "wonderful new health care reform legislation". EXCEPT..this time, the email says I can go to his website and download all the information and read all about it! Not. Disappointed yet again..
So here I was (prior to opening the file), all humble, after my article yesterday, getting ready to pick up the phone and call his office and apologize, and then write a big retraction..until I open the file and begin to read! SERIOUSLY?? Either this is a summary or they spent all this time in secret to simply add 383 pages to 2074 existing painful pages.
What is on the website at is the Original 2074 page headache of read, Bill, and a new link for a PDF download that states: Manager's Amendment Now Available, 12/19/2009
Download the complete text of the Manager's Amendment, #3276 to Reid Substitute amendment #2786 (Click for PDF) and if this link does not work for you to simply click on, you can try this..
(Heads up, readers and friends, this is one is only 383 pages, average length of textbook..) but I encourage you to all read and read quickly so that you can pick up the phone and call your legislators and tell them if you are for or against this. Once again, please remember they can't read your minds and they need to know how you feel. They need to be reminded they represent us, not their own personal agendas, and they will not know what we think unless we are reading and educating ourselves, and then emailing, or calling them and making them aware of our feelings. This is legislation about us, the people, so please all I ask is that you make yourself aware and your opinion known via phone or email.
I can honestly say, I find the fact that this is all we are receiving and this closed door nonsense, secret keeping, sweetheart deals, and using CLOTURE rather than a fair Democratic political process to do anything is seriously affecting my choices and opinions in future elections. I am not anti-health care reform, I am anti-failure to use the democratic political process, and secret meetings, and not allowing the American people in on the process. Let us in and let us share, and allow our voices to simply be heard and allow us to let us know what you are doing, that is all, nothing more.
In my little corner of the world it does not seem like you are asking too much to be involved in the process of an all new program that is going to affect the lives of all American Citizen's.
Just my opinion though..
Oh, and just out of curiosity..Who is the know on the Manager's Bill and Amendment? :)
Happy Holidays to one and all!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Secret Bill? It Will Be Good For Us? Vote Anyway?

I may be just one little person, but I like to think I am somewhat intelligent and this very expensive college education that I will be repaying the Federal Government for the rest of my life by way of student loans, has taught me a few things.

So when I hear about this FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL, LIFE-CHANGING, Health Care Legislation that is "going to be passed into law" per the Press Conference, I stop and say, okay where can I read this new bill that is so wonderful that was written in SECRET?

I CAN'T! YOU CAN'T! NO ONE CAN! Not yet, at least..that is until they all have a few hours to quickly review several thousand pages, or maybe they said they could review they summary or something..I couldn't get the gist of what exactly it was they were asking the Legislators to vote on..but I did hear loud and clear that all they needed was 60 votes to do whatever they wanted anyway, so they made some kind of "sweetheart deal" to get that 60th vote. Sweet. [pun intended]

I just want to read it. Why can't we read it? Why are you pulling this stuff while every one is out Christmas and Holiday shopping? Throw a PDF file up on your website Senator Reid, like you did with the last 2000 pager, and allow all of us in on the big SECRET! Let us do this the American, political democratic system of government way that we always do, and knock off this closed door stuff already!

I thought we were ushering in a NEW ERA OF TRANSPARENCY? When will this begin? Just toss up the new bill link so we can start reading it too. Please don't forget it is us, the PEOPLE that you are doing this for, so don't we have a right to be in on the process before you VOTE? Please?

I will forward this to the Senator as I always do, for he is my Senator, and ask for a response. When he responds, I will post it.

Just this one little citizen's opinion..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Salahis-Gate for Realities Sake!

Color me sarcastic, or cynical or some combination of both - but at what point in our Nation's Capitol does the nonsense stop and real work ever begin? We have Gate's-Gate, followed by Nation-wide coverage of 4 beer drinking men; HOORAY for us! So yes, color me sarcastic, cynical, and definitely a bit annoyed with the nonsense in D.C. as of late. Today my pick is the Salahis' versus Michelle Jones, White House Liaison to the Department of Defense and the White House.

Like many other people, when this story first broke, I found myself saying, "They did what? How dare they!? That is our President! How could they? Throw the book at them!!"

Then I put my rational thinking cap back on, as my grandfather used to say. Something is not right here. I have been to D.C. before, and although I never toured the White House, I know many others who have. I know the basics you go through just for the White House tour, (they will know who you are, and why wouldn't or shouldn't they? It is the freaking White House and should be above and beyond protected!) So, I began to rationally think this through.

My first thought was back to my time spent volunteering and working with politicians in Chicago. Many politicians threw many different parties, and of course there were those of us who wanted an invite to the bigger and better "parties of the season". The way we did it though, if we were nobodies, was to work our tails off and volunteer, and be a help in some way within our neighborhoods and communities and we earned an invitation. There were, however, plenty of those people who simply knew someone who knew someone, who knew someone - and they were not party crashers - and they did not really know anyone in the room - but they were invited, in a round about, six degrees of separation if you want to call it that, kind of way. So, I started to believe that it was very possible these publicity-mongers, or fame-wannabe's did what all others do when they want to get into the parties seemingly no one can get into - they used their connections to back door an invite last minute. (It's really not that complicated in the land of politics where every one really does know someone else through some political connection.)

I voiced this opinion a few times to a few people and they told me, "No way! They crashed the party!"

So, naturally I wonder how does the most protected President host a party that winds up being crashed by a couple of I-wannabe-famous'ers? IT CAN'T! IT JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN!

(It's like trying to get me to believe that the airline pilots had internet access and were arguing over new work policy and never heard the control tower calling them for over an hour on their head sets - cause, yeah..they were getting such great internet service and were so immersed in arguing over company policy they went all the way to Wisconsin..cause they were arguing..yeah I believe that..don't you? Could be many things, the computer thing, sleeping, the mile high club..nah, couldn't be the mile high club..sleeping or arguing while getting great internet connections..Different sarcastic rant for different day..)

So, as I find myself KNOWING that someone MUST have cleared them to get in - because you just don't WALK INTO THE WHITE HOUSE. Try getting into the White House and passing the Visitor's desk for more than the tour without giving up your name, social security #, address, (possibly your last 5 addresses over the last 10 years), and maybe even leaving your first born as security! (the last one is a joke, the rest not so much - so I wonder, what must it take to get into a State Dinner?) I found out today, on the Today show!! Email, gotta love email!

Let's start with what we know about our 'We-Wannabe-Famous-Salahis'
  • They are professional 'We-wannabe-famouser's
  • They network well and keep a good contact list
  • They use email and not cell phones for that paper trail protection (smart considering..)
  • They are not victims of anything, they are professional last minute invitation snatchers
  • There is no boo-hooing for the Salahis. They enjoyed a great party and more than 15 minutes of fame, so take a break and stop garnering back door invites for a while, would ya?

Michaele Salahis states:
"We were invited not crashers..and uh, there isn't anyone that would have the audacity or, uh, the poor behavior to do that."

Tareq Salahis states:
"I think the American public is actually going to be extremely surprised, uh, with all the details.."

Extremely surprised? Not extremely in my book, because I figured something had to be up, given that NOBODY saunters into the White House uninvited, unless something is seriously wrong, and I am highly doubting that. So let's get on with it, what are the details? Emails you say? Enter, President Obama Appointee, White House Liaison to the Dept. of Defense, Michelle Jones. She is an acquaintance of the Salahis.

In one of the emails it shows Michelle Jones asking the couple for their Social Security numbers, and dates of birth for Secret Service background checks. (This is usually the normal protocol for people who are going to be granted some kind of access to the White House, because not just anyone can go walking right in there. So glad to find out I wasn't wrong about just anyone being able to walk right in without background checks and the Secret Service not knowing who was there. It is nice to know things have not changed and our President's safety is still top-notch and super secure, as always.)

Still gotta love email for real explanations:
Michelle Jones to the Salahis

"The arrival ceremony (was scheduled to be outdoors) was cancelled [sic] due to inclement weather. They are having a very small one inside the WH very limited space. I am still working on tickets for tonights dinner."

Later on Tuesday Michelle Jones says that she left a voice-mail message for the Salahis saying she could not get them tickets to the dinner. The Salahis claim they never received the message because their cell went dead while they were primping and priming at a salon/spa for the possibility of what was looking like a real possibility for them that night. They were convinced in their minds that it was going to happen, somehow it would all work out, and in their dreamland wannabe minds, for them it was as real as real could probably be. So what happened next, according to the emails made public by the Salahis Attorney?

Well, Mr. & Mrs. "We we were invited" showed their passports 3 times and were allowed in. They had a wonderful evening and once home, after charging up the phone and checking his voice-mail (apparently, according to this email Mr. Salahis sends to Michelle Jones):

"Hi Michelle, you are an angel!! My cell phone battery died early this I just got your message now..But obviously it worked out at the end. We ended up going to the gate to just check in case it got approved since we didn't know and our name was on the list :) ... [We] can't wait to see you and catch up and share memories of a true lifetime."

The following day Michelle responds to this email stating:
"Tareq, you are most welcome! I here [sic] the smile in your email and am delighted that you and Michaele had a wonderful time :) "

And what does the White House have to say? They say Michelle Jones just responded that way in that last email to be nice and polite, assuming that someone else must have helped them since she was unable to. (Is it improper to place an LOL here? If so I refer you back to my opening paragraph). She called him by his first name! She did not say Mr. Salahis, she referred to him as the friend he probably is, or the friend of a friend he probably is! She background checked them, ran the security clearances! What more proof does anyone need that these two 'I wannabe important people' used their political connections to score a last minute invite to a White House Party? Secret Service is NOT LETTING YOU IN IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN CLEARED!

Why? Because our Secret Service is the best, they rock, and that is all there is to it! Now, can the guilty invitation giver to those who are less worthy than those who were worthy enough to be there, like I don't know - the gossip columnist who turned the Salahis in as party crashers, please just fess up that you cleared them and we can bury this silly story and oh I don't know maybe actually WORK in D.C??

Just a thought, two, or a few..


Senator Reid's Response to Health Care Blog Articles

I always offer my state Senator Harry Reid (NV-D), and House Majority Leader a chance to respond to my blog articles, especially when the topic is directly to something he is spear-heading or directly involved in. Below is the Senator's response, followed by the original blog article prompting the response. I genuinely thank Senator Reid for taking the time to respond to my requests, as he has done over the years. I know both my readers and I appreciate it, even if we do not always agree.

The Senator's Response

November 30, 2009

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna, Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

Thank you for contacting me about health care reform. I appreciate hearing from you.

In America today, concerns about our health care system have been rightly brought to the forefront of the national consciousness. Many of us are familiar with the reports of 47 millions of uninsured Americans, escalating prescription drug prices, and declining health insurance benefits. Unfortunately, for too many across Nevada and the country, these facts and statistics are not anonymous findings removed from daily life. As a fellow Nevadan, and as the Senate Majority Leader, I know that millions are struggling with the reality of America's health care crisis.

Amid our health care crisis, however, I believe there are opportunities for members of Congress, the President and his Administration, the private sector, and other stakeholders to work together for the benefit of the American people. It is my hope that the solutions we develop and enact will ensure quality, affordable health care coverage for all Americans-regardless of their age, income, employment, or health status.

During the 111th session of Congress, we have already made significant improvements to our healthcare and public health systems. For example, in February we passed an expansion and extension of the vital Children's Health Insurance Program (P.L. 111-3), known as Nevada Check Up in our state. This legislation will expand coverage to an additional 4.1 million low-income children across our country. I am also pleased that as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5), billions of dollars have been allocated for health information technology, the National Institute of Health for research and development, and for prevention and wellness programs. In addition, the federal matching payments forstate Medicaid programs have been increased, and a temporary subsidy for COBRA premiums has been implemented to help ease the burden for hard-working families affected by the economic crisis. Finally, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (P.L. 111-31) was signed into law by President Obama on June 22, 2009. This legislation, which I cosponsored, gives the FDA the legal authority necessary to reduce youth smoking, prevent the sale of tobacco to minors, help current smokers quit, reduce the toxicity of tobacco products, and stop the tobacco industry from misleading the public with their understated claims about the dangers of using tobacco products.

We have taken the first steps in a long, arduous journey towards reform, and there is still much more to be done. Please know that as we move forward, I will keep your ideas and concerns in mind. It is my hope that we can make affordable,comprehensive health coverage a reality for so many Americans who are currently struggling to pay their medical bills, and make ends meet. In the meantime, you can track this and other legislation

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.



United States Senator



(I post the response. Please form your own opinions, thoughts, and conclusions as to what is said in the response.)

The Original Blog Article (one of them)

As promised, Senator Reid released the full text of his Health Care Reform Plan in easy to read PDF format. Here is the link to the Senate billH.R.3590

Personally, I do not see the need for 2074 pages of anything, (even some of my high-school teachers and college professors were not that mean as to give me this much reading material in such a short period of time to actually get the reading done - so, it really makes me wonder how all of our elected officials are going to pull of this reading assignment; but I wish you all the best of luck!).

What I do know about this 2074 pager that I will be reading all day is this:

I stand by my previous article as far as my personal opinion in this whole health care nightmare, which I sent to Senator Reid and he has still not replied.

This morning I heard snippets about Senator Reid's bill that included words such as, "medicare tax", "medicare being the public option", and other words that lead me to believe he did get and read the material I sent him, or someone over there in Harry Reid office land did - but first I have to dig through 2074 pages to find out for sure. (an email or response letter as usual would be nicer though). I understand how busy he is though, it must take a very long time to write up over 2000 pages of reading material.

So today I begin reading and I hope you do as well. I encourage all to pick up your phones after you read and tell your elected officials how you feel, whether you are for it or against. It is of the utmost importance to exercise our rights and make our voices heard, but our elected representatives can't read our minds, so pick up the phone and call. If you wonder how to find your Rep, try and type the Senator's or Representative's name and you should easily be able to find a link to their or website and find their contact information.

Have a good day everyone! I will post the House Majority Leader's response when I receive it.


The Medicare For Everyone Article I wrote that can be found here:


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Senator Harry Reids New Health Care Reform Plan Link

As promised, Senator Reid released the full text of his Health Care Reform Plan in easy to read PDF format. Here is the link to the Senate bill H.R.3590

Personally, I do not see the need for 2074 pages of anything, (even some of my high-school teachers and college professors were not that mean as to give me this much reading material in such a short period of time to actually get the reading done - so, it really makes me wonder how all of our elected officials are going to pull of this reading assignment; but I wish you all the best of luck!).

What I do know about this 2074 pager that I will be reading all day is this:

I stand by my previous article as far as my personal opinion in this whole health care nightmare, which I sent to Senator Reid and he has still not replied.

This morning I heard snippets about Senator Reid's bill that included words such as, "medicare tax", "medicare being the public option", and other words that lead me to believe he did get and read the material I sent him, or someone over there in Harry Reid office land did - but first I have to dig through 2074 pages to find out for sure. (an email or response letter as usual would be nicer though). I understand how busy he is though, it must take a very long time to write up over 2000 pages of reading material.

So today I begin reading and I hope you do as well. I encourage all to pick up your phones after you read and tell your elected officials how you feel, whether you are for it or against. It is of the utmost importance to exercise our rights and make our voices heard, but our elected representatives can't read our minds, so pick up the phone and call. If you wonder how to find your Rep, try and type the Senator's or Representative's name and you should easily be able to find a link to their or website and find their contact information.

Have a good day everyone! I will post the House Majority Leader's response when I receive it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Medicare for Everyone

I was chit-chatting with some friends online this morning and found myself discussing National Health Care and the Public Option. After talking with friends I found myself thinking that this was a good topic for blogging and maybe others had some thoughts on this topic as well.

Watching Washington D.C. mess around with Health Care has been terrifying and interesting. Lately I have taken to talking back to my television when I disagree, similar to when I disagree with the call the Official makes in a football game and I yell out at the T.V. Maybe you know what I mean!

So this morning, I'm trying to watch(listen to) the news and pre-make dinner at the same time - and trying hard to stop yelling at the television before someone thinks football is on during the daytime!

Joe Liebermann just got through saying:

"We're spending more than we're taking in and Medicare,according to the budget office, is going to go bankrupt within 8 years. We can't afford, with our debt as sky high as it is now, to create another government entitlement program, which this government run health insurance company would be."

When asked who would have to pay the bills - Senator Lieberman was quoted as saying, "That would be the American taxpayer."

Okay, so typing it out helped me to officially calm down from my screaming at the tv moment - so have to stop watching the news if I want to have a happy day anymore - but look at the ridiculousness of what he said!

We can't have a public option because Medicare is going to go bankrupt?

Gee Senator, make me feel better about the government being involved in health care at all why don't ya? If the government is that inept and will truly ruin any and every thing it touches, then by all means don't do anything for health care because all you will do is ruin it further!

Please, come up with a better argument - even the people at the town halls were screaming about how much they love their Medicare, so they don't even have a leg to stand on in the Medicare argument.

There is a reason seniors and anyone who is receiving Medicare doesn't want to give it up - I encourage anyone against Medicare for all to re-review town hall videos from the summer break - people love their government run Medicare and will fight for it.

Why is it going to go bankrupt in 8 years? (which, by the way, a good friend let me know that is reporting that Medicare is not going to go bankrupt in 8 years. Thanks Margie!)

If it were truly going bankrupt why are/would we cutting anything from it to start a new project? I'm not buying the argument because we know it is hooey. (

If the people want Medicare they will continue to pay for it. What gets me is the non-revolt from taxpayers, especially the tea-party people (who I admire - sorry to those who don't but I see all sides and appreciate all of the arguments), but geez when you pay the tax you should be entitled to use the product or service you are paying the tax for, shouldn't you? Without having to wait 30, 40 + years for the benefit? This is what I don't get - especially from the tea bag people who are screaming about unfair taxes - scream about the unfair Medicare tax you pay and the discrimination about who is entitled to receive the public tax funded insurance! Bankrupt my left ear!!

Medicare, although taxed to all employed US Citizens of any age, currently is held back only for Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens, and could so simply be expanded to cover all US Citizens who want to opt into it at any time by simply paying for it. Optional Medicare, with no triggers needed other than paying for it like the Seniors and Disabled Citizens do, via a lower premium than private insurance and a small monthly tax that we already pay, is really too complicated of an insurance program to institute even though it already exists and all people would have to do is opt in and pay the premium? Really? Seriously? Even if we had to slightly increase the Medicare tax- it does away with the need for mandates, force, penalties and fines and offers choice, option and freedom.

Yes, CHOICE. Yes, OPTION. Yes, FREEDOM. We already pay the tax, so why can't we enjoy the entitlement, unless we are old or disabled, as an entire united country?

Here is a basic example:

Toll booths: You pay $1.00 to pass through the toll booth but you are waved over to the side to a "wait lane" and asked to turn off your car. You ask why, after all you just paid the toll tax to drive on the tollway and that is the point of a tax which is levied in order to enjoy the privilege of a service in return. You are told that yes, of course you will be able to use the toll road, but there is a waiting period. You pay the toll tax and then you must wait in the wait lane for one week before you may use the tollway. WHAT?? Would you stand for that? You just paid the darn toll tax so you could immediately pass thru and enjoy the use, after all that is how service taxes work don't they??

Why in the world would Medicare work any differently? It is taxed to all who would be eligible to opt into it anyway - and those who opt into would have to pay the premiums just like those who are currently receiving medicare, so what is the problem? Rebublicans were arguing not to long ago to privatize Social Security. How can they be for that and not for ending the discriminatory 30+year wait lane of Medicare?

Social Security is not a tax - is a fund that you pay into for your future retirement and/or disability retirement insurance needs - which is why they send you that breakdown statement every year. They don't send you a "this is how much you have paid into Medicare statement" because it is not a fund - it is a tax.

That is my only question - why is it all Americans are not complaining about the right to opt into an insurance program they are already paying the tax for, but being held in the longest wait line of their lives to receive?

I still don't get what is so complicated about it or so horrible about letting all American Citizens in on the exclusive "old or disabled club only" government run tax payer funded public option insurance we call Medicare.

Real Medicare for EVERYONE ALREADY!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rembering the Victims & Hero's of 9/11

Today I have decided to post a short memorial for all of those innocent victims and hero's who died on September 11, 2001. Off and on, all day today I have to stop to cry, as I remembered what I still can't believe happened to our Country that sad and tragic September morning.

Every year I turn the History Channel and other television sources and re-watch the documentaries, because long I go I made a promise to be one of those who will never forget.

I will never forget that morning as I sat in front of the television brushing my 9 year old daughter's hair and helping to prepare her for school. It was a regular routine. I have four kids and my oldest child and I would get up early, turn on Good Morning America, and spend quiet time getting her ready for school first.

At first we thought maybe someone was making a movie because this couldn't possibly be real. Then the second plane hit the second tower and the both of us were mortified - mother and child. Today that child remembers with me as she gets ready to graduate high-school and even she says it still seems like yesterday as a clear and sad memory for her.

I did take my kids to school that morning, thinking it was the best place for them to be. We lived in Chicago then. It only took me 30 minutes, after seeing more of what was happening on the news to turn around and go get them right back out of school and bring them home - just in case Chicago was a possible target too. We all were afraid that day - afraid, and ever so heart broken for all those people who lost their lives because some lunatic terrorists thought it was okay to murder in the name of God.

Today is a sad day for our Country, and a day I know I will never forget as will all Americans. My heart and my prayers are with all of the victims and their families, not just today but always.

Blessings and my deepest wishes of comfort and solace to you all. I will never forget. We will never forget.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Care Head Aches!

Just the words health care are enough to give me a head ache anymore these days. I have come to believe that our politicians are full of it, every last one of them. They have stopped listening to us, the American people, and they are simply playing a game..called Politics.

I will be watching tonight as the President speaks, yet again, on this very hot topic. Does it even matter at this point? Sure it does, depending on what he has to say. I am starting to feel sorry for him, honestly, this entire issue is making him look aged very early in his Presidential career.

The latest possibility of possibilities they (the politicians) have tossed out their into the never ending ring of "we have no clue what the health care reform will be or contain but we are throwing in all we can think of into it potential legislation" is fines for not having health insurance. I am pretty sure that this was a Republican idea to counter the public option. Fines!
Are they crazy? This is a serious question! Did they forget that we live in A FREE COUNTRY??

If you are not outraged at the thought of fines, let me ask you what is next? What if our government decides that technology is so key, so important to our future that every home is required or mandated to have a computer. Every home that does not have a computer connected to the Internet, via private connection or public connection will be fined. You may say this is ridiculous and can never happen, but hey if they can fine you for not self insuring your PRIVATE BODY, they can fine and mandate anything.

Why not fine people for not taking the daily recommended dose of vitamin C, or eating healthier? This has gone beyond ridiculous.

The fines are hidden code for Uncle Sam wants more of your money.

Here is what I don't understand. All of the health care proposals on the table start with paying now but do not go into effect until 2013, why? I thought this was an urgent matter?

I believe it is an urgent matter and here is what I propose:

Declare a National Health Care Emergency.

Pass legislation and up the Medicare tax .5% if you must

Open Medicare to all people until 2013/14.

Allow those who are Medicare eligible (meaning they pay the tax, and do not fall below the poverty line, can opt in now with no wait periods for any reason), will pay the Medicare deductibles and can choose to purchase a supplement just like those currently receiving Medicare. Those below the poverty line automatically qualify for Medicaid. (is the problem soloved yet?)

No pre-existing conditions- restrictions allowed and pay the doctors some incentives to take it (like the private insurers do).

That should help all out across the Nation until the President and the Senate's and the House's "plan's", get worked out and go into effect in 2013 or 2014.

But that is just my two cents.

Fining people in a free Country for opting out of self insuring medically is beyond insane, and does not ring of freedom to me. Does it ring of freedom to you?

Come up with a better plan oh those of you in Washington who care so much, and act like you really care already. Please?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Enough with the "Czars" Already! Bye Van Jones

So unless you are an avid Internet reader, or watch cable television news - and even then a majority of the media outlets didn't even report on this story, which is a pretty major story, you may not even know anything at all about the Green Jobs Czar Van Jones.

White House Green Jobs Czar Van Jones resigned stating in a letter (paraphrased) that he didn't want all this misinformation and lies being spread about him to get in the way of the White House being able to move forward on it's pressing projects.

Okay, I would believe that EXCEPT NO ONE LIED ABOUT HIM. The stories that were covered on this man were videos and excerpts using his very own words, coming out of his very own mouth! This man has a lot of nerve, and what really ticks me off is the lack of media coverage from the Networks on these "Czars"! Where are you ABC, NBC, CBS? Why is it I have to consistently turn to Fox and the Internet if I want to find anything out? What the hell is happening to journalism in this country?

Here is part of the statement from Van Jones resignation letter:

" On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

This man signed a 9/11 Truther petition in 2004, the conspiracy theory that the Bush Admin deliberately let the terror attacks happen, ya' know. He claims he never bothered to read the petition in which he affixed his signature to.

This man called former President Bush a crackhead. The statement he made was "The President of the United States sounded like a a crackhead trying to lick the crackpipe for a fix."

This man called Republicans a not so nice word a**holes. (then again can't really hang him out to dry on this one, as a Centrist Independent, I have had choice words for both parties myself - but I don't work in the White House, and I don't do so publicly.) This was 7 months ago when asked why he thought Congressional Republicans were opposing some Obama Administration programs. The statement was, "The answer to that is they're a-holes."

Then he gets racist. Yep, the guy played the race card and it is on video - him speaking. No twisting of words, no vicious smear campaign - unless he is the one doing the vicious smearing.

On school violence he says:
"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. A black kid might shoot another black kid. He's not going to shoot up the whole school."

And here is a Van Jones keeper - tell me Van Jones, just how are your words being twisted?

"The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of the colored communities."

Really? Really? Bye, bye Van Jones. The only thing missing in Van Jones resignation letter was an apology. Poor him - I don't think so. He will go on to write a book, ala Bill Ayers, I have no doubt. I won't miss this particular "Czar".

What is up with these Czars anyway? Since when do we need them? Who do they answer to? Will the next President be able to appoint an Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute anything and everything these "Czars" possibly do wrong, or potentially look wrong to someone, and make a major issue out of it well into the next administration?

Goose, Gander and all that. Not to mention Karma.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Senator Kennedy A Reflection

I was sitting with my husband last night counting the number of presidents we have had in our lifetimes. We were softly laughing as we counted and he had two more than I did, being seven years my senior. I have lived through (yet have no real memory of) President's Nixon and Ford, but I remember President Jimmy Carter and I remember growing up hearing quite a bit about Senator Teddy Kennedy. I was a Chicago kid in the 70's, a teen in the 80's, and celebrated my 18th birthday in 1988 and participated in my first election. There was also, Regan, Bush 1, the Clinton Years, and the Bush 2 years, followed up now by the Obama Presidency.

I said to my husband that I had been listening to Mr. Dodd speak about his friendship with Teddy Kennedy, and I found it so touching to hear someone speak so genuinely fondly of someone they have known for 30 or more years. That is when I said wow, I am actually old enough to say I have known someone for 30 years. It occurred to me that life is moving along, every moment.

I sat and watched the entire Mass for Senator Kennedy this morning into this afternoon through my television screen. I have long considered myself a centrist, an Independent, someone who does not like the labels of political parties at all, really. However, as I sat and listened to the intercessory prayer requests, and the homily offered by the priest, and the passages that were chosen for the readings, I must admit, my heart was moved. I found myself in tears. I am not a big fan of organized religion as a whole, and I don't know much about the Catholic faith other than what I have learned & remembered from my personal attendance over the years as a child in a half Catholic family, and then marrying into a Catholic family, although my husband is not a practicing Catholic. I was spiritually moved though, today, and through tears I felt the drive and desire to want to do more than I have been doing in my local community to be of help to the stranger in need.

I was even more moved when I listened to his sons speak of him on such a personal level. It was nice to have the President speak the eulogy, but there was something special when his sons were speaking of their father just as their dad.

A lot was said today about a good man who tried to live his life the very best the he could. What more can anyone of us set out to do, and like Senator Kennedy claim success in the end. I appreciated the service today. Senator Kennedy will be missed.

Senator Reid's Response

This was orignally posted as a comment which was to appear directly under the original post. Since it did not, I am reposting it above the original post.

Response Received From Senator Harry Reid

August 20, 2009

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna

Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

Thank you for contacting me. I always appreciate hearing from Nevadans.

As Nevada's senior senator and the Senate Majority Leader, it is my job to do what is in the best interest of the people of Nevada. Please be assured that I take these responsibilities very seriously, and I will continue to do everything I can to make Nevada an even better place to live and raise a family.

Over the past month I have had the privilege of holding several town hall-style meetings by teleconference with Nevadans concerning health care. I am happy to inform you that more than five thousand Nevadans were able to participate. During these forums, Nevadans, like yourself, voiced their opinions on the pending health legislation. In fact, I am looking forward to scheduling at least one more of these discussions during the August recess. Please continue to visit my Web site at, for updates on this and other events.

Additionally, I have invited doctors throughout our state to weigh in on the issue of health care reform at: Too often providers are not part of a robust discussion on how we should fix the problems that exist in the health care system. During this month I have also received and responded to over 7,500 constituent letters regarding various health-related issues. You may be assured that as the 111th Congress proceeds I will continue to listen closely to the concerns of Nevadans.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.

United States Senator

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Health Care Proposal Too Much To Read or Laziness?

I have been emailing and calling my State Senator Harry Reid hoping for a quick response. I have yet to hear from him but I am sure he will respond soon, as he always does. **UPDATE** Senator Harry Reid did respond on 08/20/2009 and his letter is shown in the comment section below.

Over the last 2 days I have read and reviewed both the Senate Proposal which is 615 pages in length, and the House Monstrosity Proposal in all of its 1018 pages of head-achey reading.

Today I sent out a mass email to everyone on my email list with links to the PDF versions of these Proposals so they can be saved to one's personal computer and read offline. If our elected Representatives whose sole job is to represent us are not willing to read it, at least we can and share our views with all of them before they return to Washington for the Fall Session. I also highly reccomend emailing the White House, using the contact form at to voice your opinions as well.

This is the email I sent out and also placed as a Note/Blog on my Facebook page this morning. I forwarded the email to Senator Reid and the White House. The people of this great Country are the only ones who can read this and make the decision on whether or not they approve of what is held within the pages of these proposals. Remind your politicians election time is right around the corner as they make their decisions on behalf of you. They will vote, but if we tell them, as many of us as we can, how we really feel, they just may do the right thing and vote on behalf of the people they represent.

Here is what I sent out in emails to my entire email list, Senator Harry Reid, the White House, and blogged about here and on Facebook. I believe none of us can agree or disagree unless we truly know what is held within these pages. Some things like our politicians being exempt from this program and retaining our tax payer dollar Health Insurance they all receive and enjoy will be kept. Why? If this is such a great plan, why can't they participate in it also? Why are they exempt from this "wonderful plan for all Americans"? Please take the time and read these proposals.

Sandra Bonadonna

What follows is the information I sent out this morning:


Links to the complete documents are found below.

Everytime a politician is being interviewed on the news they state they have not fully read their own proposals because "it is just to large". Yet the President wants it pushed through ASAP without anyone really knowing what is held within the pages of either proposal. So I encourage you to pass this along to everyone you know, because it comes down to our voices now.

The links below will allow you to save a PDF version of the proposals to your computer so you can read it offline. Once you have read it, I urge you to call your Senator(s) and Represantives and let them know you read it - question why they did not - ask why they are exempting themselves from this program and retaining the tax payer cushy insurance if they believe in this plan so much? Share your thoughts. For example, if you find something on page 53 that really bothers you ask your elected official about page 53 and offer to wait while s/he finds his/her copy, if in fact s/he has one available to reference.

The peoples voices must be heard on this before they return for the fall session. Please, please, forward this information by email, blog, facebook, myspace - any venue you can so that the people are aware they have the ability to read for themselves what is constantly being spoken about on the news and can have the facts in print for themselves. Whether you are in favor or not after reading all of this, at least you will be fully informed, which is more than our elected officials are offering.

Senate Proposal PDF Version (615pgs)

House Book Proposal Version (1018pgs)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Some Positive Thinking For The Day

With all that is going in the World, and noticing that every single time I turn on the news I am faced with listening to more disturbing, discouraging and simply sad, bad, news - I thought today would be a perfect day to write about something positive and uplifting. So get ready to smile. :)

There have many people throughout the ages who wrote about positive thinking and the effect it can have on your physical well being, as well as your mental health. Honestly, in my studies and research I have found that there is no greater medicine than to feel good about yourself and then to share those happy emotions with others.

Stress is the number one leading cause of illness in today's World. How could it not be? We stress over just about everything - including and almost always things that are way beyond our personal control. Stress prematurely ages people. Stress makes you physically ill, and mentally unhealthy. Politics and World News as of late are extremely stress creating for anyone who takes the time to listen to what is going on in our Country and around the World.

So today I am taking a break from the topsy-turvy, stress filled world of politics and sharing some positive thought that I have learned from studying the quotes and works of others with you.

One of the leaders in positive thinking was Christian D Larson. He is known for writing many positive thinking publications, most famously the Optimists Creed in 1912 - which states that you should promise yourself the following:

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

What wonderful words to read to yourself every single day as a way to remember happiness for yourself is a personal choice that you make. I have these words taped to my wall in my office so that I can read them every morning and remember to choose to have a wonderful day and to do all I can to share that joy with other people.

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." and "I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else."

Vince Lombardi has stated, "If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm."

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "If we shall take the good we find, asking no questions, we shall have heaping measures."

Hugh Downs has said that, "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."

and Norman Vincent Peale has stated that one should, "Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there."

Choose to be happy today. Choose to think happy today. Choose to refuse to let the stresses of life stand in your way. Make a choice to put a smile on your face and remember that you are worth giving yourself some happy, stress free time. Enjoy the World around you today and everyone and everything in it.

May joyous thoughts flood your day!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Senator Harry Reid's Response (Senator Burris Appointment)

House Majority Leader, and Nevada Senator Harry Reid has always been very friendly with me and good about responding to my requests for written statements and answers to my questions for both my readers and myself. He has done so once again in reference to the the situation I wrote about with Senator Roland Burris, Illinois (D).

With the newest information released about the Illinois Governors hiring of a public relations firm to help him bounce around NY and appear on television during his Impeachment Trial, some new questions have come into play considering Blago - but I will write more on Blago later. For now, suffice it to say, we can all agree that Senator Burris is an honorable and good man and will serve Illinois and Washington well.

I thank Senator Reid, sincerely, as always, for taking the time to respond to my readers and me.

The Senator's response:

January 24, 2009

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

As you know, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was recently arrested based on allegations that he conspired to commit several "pay-to-play" schemes, including attempting to sell the Senate seat recently vacated by President Barack Obama. As a former Capitol Police Officer and dedicated public servant, I found the charges against the Governor appalling and as serious a breach of the public trust as I have ever heard. Based on these circumstances, I, along with all members of the Senate Democratic Caucus, discouraged Governor Blagojevich from appointing any candidate to the vacant Senate seat, out of concern that anyone he would appoint would be - fairly or unfairly - tainted by questions of impropriety.

Despite this request and impending impeachment proceedings, Governor Blagojevich appointed Roland Burris, a dedicated public servant of the State of Illinois, to the Illinois Senate seat. I have made it clear from the beginning that my concerns were never about the qualifications or integrity of Senator Burris, but rather the cloud of corruption surrounding Governor Blagojevich.

After the Illinois Secretary of State sent the Senate the necessary credentials for Mr. Burris and he provided sworn testimony before the Illinois House Committee on Impeachment regarding the circumstances of his appointment, Roland Burris was sworn in as the junior senator for the state of Illinois on January 15, 2009. Public service is the crutch of our democracy and the alleged actions of Governor Blagojevich, whose impeachment has been recommended by the Illinois General Assembly, rock the very foundation of our government that is of, by and for the people. There are many paths to the United States Senate, and while it is fair to say Senator Burris's was unique, his actions during this uncertain transition reflect a strong character that will serve him well in Washington as he continues his service for the people of Illinois.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I am confident that the 111th Congress will usher in a renewed era of accountability and transparency in Washington as my colleagues and I continue our work for the American people. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.

United States Senator

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Closing Gitmo

This morning President Obama signed an order to close Guantanamo Bay detention center within one year.

The President stated that:

"We intend to win this fight. We're going to win it on our terms," and "The message that we are sending the world is that the United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so vigilantly and we are going to do so effectively and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals."

With approximately 245 prisoners being held at Gitmo and uncertainty as to where to send them or what to do with them, what is next? Will they be sent to other federal detention centers, back to their home countries - to the federal prison in your backyard? Will we be prosecuting them for war crimes, if so which ones, where will they be held while they await trial - who's neighborhood? Will they be held in D.C., by the politicians who want them closer to home?

Before you give me a hard time for being sarcastic and cynical, think about this for a second. I am 100% against torturous treatment, but I also - just like every other person in this country - don't know if one or every one of these possible 245 prisoners is a potential terrorist. If even one of them are, do we really want them in our local federal prisons? I have questions, questions that were not answered by this mornings order that was signed.

I think it is wonderful that we are not going to be bully's and torture people - but I don't think it's so great to bring those people into our backyard without fully being certain we are protected from them if they are a threat to us in any way. So, is there a federal prison in D.C. they can keep these people in since our current administration doesn't seem to think they are such a big deal to worry about? I don't want any of these people held in the federal prisons in my backyard, and I'm sure you don't either. But, if our politicians are not so worried then it should be okay to house them in a federal prison in D.C. until they all get a trial date, right?

There, problem solved.

Just one little citizens opinion... and of course we all have one...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watching History Unfold

I sat glued to my television set as I watched Barack Obama become our Nation's 44th President. Wow! History being made before my very eyes. To think it wasn't all that long ago that our Country was embroiled in the Civil Rights Movement. Now, today, I am moved to tears as I watch this bi-racial young man take the Presidential Oath of Office.

What hope is now given to all people across this great Country of mixed races, and multi-cultures, and of any race!

I was very moved by President Obama's speech. There were parts of his speech that I was a bit concerned with, but the man is an amazing speaker and gave me much to ponder on as an individual citizen. For that I am very thankful.

What a glorious day for our Country! We have turned a page, created beautiful history and built a new road - a new age of tolerance of acceptance for all people.

Regardless of politics, today is a day to be very, very proud of our Country. I know I am.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

History and Hoopla

Every single news channel is covering Inaugural Weekend. I'm bored already and can't wait for it all to commence on the 20th. How much can a person watch of a train going from city to city?

Yes, we have made history with a person of color being elected President, but some of this seems to have crossed a ridiculous point. I keep hearing about the cost. $150 Million, approximately is the cost for this Inaugural - Wow! How many starving people would that feed? Yeah, I know, we are making history, so let's spend away. I just can't help the sarcasm, folks. That is quite a bit of money to spend on a party.

I am looking forward to what our new President is going to accomplish over the next four years and I wish him the very best. I am just bored to tears with the stage shows and the grand entrances and the expensive parties with all the hoopla attached. He is just a man, an elected official who we expect much from in the way of leading our fine Country. I look forward to how he is going to lead much more than how he presents himself at parties, or how he gets to those parties.

I find it fascinating that President Obama will be sworn in the day after the US celebrates the designated Federal Birthday Holiday of Martin Luther King, Jr. I wonder if President Obama will echo Dr. King's famous "I have a dream" words in his speech - (I hope he does, for they surely are befitting!).

After the train rides, after the parties, after the celebrations and all the hoopla, this fine Country of ours will have a new leader - President Barack Obama. A serious turn in the pages of history will have taken place for the United States of America. On the 21st of January business as usual will be the order of the day and the hoopla will be the song of yesterday.

I look forward to January 21st, and a new and brighter tomorrow for all of us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Child Named Adolf Hitler Removed From Home

Just when you think you could possibly have heard every crazy story out there - something comes along that simply takes the cake!

In Holland Township NJ, New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services removed a 3 year old little boy named Adolf Hilter and his two sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie from their parents because of the kids names, allegedly, although the agency is refusing to comment on the reasoning behind the removal - stating it does not comment on specific cases.

The Police Chief David Van Gilson has stated that his department received no reports of negligence or abuse.

The parents Heath and Deborah Campbell were supposed to appear for a hearing today at the Hunterdon County Justice Center but the hearing was postponed.

I don't know.. I guess I can honestly say that people have the right to name their kids whatever they want to - and these kids very well may grow up and find themselves standing in front of judge asking for a legal name change and it will be granted - but can family services come and take your kids away because they don't like what you named them - and there is no finding of neglect or abuse (which will come out, whether or not there is an abuse situation, when they have their day in court)? Or if there are no former reports against this family as stated by the police Chief? Really? Even if it is as disturbing and shocking as Hitler? (Yeah, it's twisted and the parents are weird, and these kids are definitely going to have a rough go of it growing up - but unless there is cause other than the names you can't remove them, can you?)

People name their kids weird stuff all the time, albeit, not quite as out there as Hitler or Aryan nation, but people do and some of us sit back and wonder what these people who do this are thinking.

Some strange names:

Dweezil Zappa
Moon Unit Zappa
Diva Muffin Zappa
Fifi-Trixibelle Geldolf
Kafka Jones (Tommy Lee Jones child)
Tiger Lily Heavenly Hiraani (the child of Michael Hutchence & Paula Yates)
Moxie Crimefighter (the child of Penn Jillette)
and David Carradine named his kid I.P. Freely

(granted not quite as unusual or absurd or disturbing as Adolf Hitler )

But, is this just cause to remove kids from their homes, if this is the case? I don't like the names at all, but I say no it is not - not if there isn't any evidence of anything other than the state disapproving of the childs name.

Apparently this entire thing started when the parents asked the local grocery store bakery to put the childs name on a birthday cake. At least that is what I figure from watching this story at this link :

here is a news story and following that an MSNBC video

I don't know. What do you all think? Does the state have a right to remove a child from the home based on the name the parents gave the child? If so, why not do something about it at the time the birth certificate was filed? Take them to court on day one and fight it then, I would argue. If the assumption is they are going to infiltrate their kids minds with racism and bigotry - then aren't we sending out the message that all bigots and racists should not be allowed to reproduce? Who is going to police that? Again I do not approve of the names, but we do live in a country that celebrates freedom. I think it's wrong to remove the kids - but I also think it's wrong to saddle one's kids with weird names - but that is just my opinion - and of course we all have one..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Senator Roland Burris - Finally

Just a few moments I had the pleasure of watching Illinois Senator Roland Burris (D) give a press conference.

He started this press conference by thanking those he will be working with and who have helped put this mess surrounding his appointment to bed.

"I am truly humbled and honored" Senator Burris stated, and "thankful for the opportunity to serve."

He also stated:

"I would like to publicly thank Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid" and his fellow State Senator from Illinois Dick Durbin saying that "Never once did I doubt their intentions were other than to protect the Senate as an institiution.."

He went on to defend the Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, suggesting some have treated him unfairly in all of this. He said that he owes Sec.of State Jesse White "a debt of gratitude", and White's is an "autograph I cherish".

In defense of White's refusal to certify his appointment he said that Jesse White stood up for what he believes is right and "His actions reinforce him to be an honorable man."

When questioned about the current scandal with Governor Blago - this honorable and dignified man said about the scandal that "Darkens our states image" - "Remember the old saying that it is always the darkest before the dawn."

Then with the God given class he was born with stated he was "Looking forward to serving in the US Senate."

Humbling...What a guy. The citizens of Illinois should be proud to be represented by this man.

Bush's Final Press Conference

This morning President Bush gave an interesting Final Press Conference from the White House.

Below is a video of part 4/5 of the Press Conference.

You can find a copy of the written transcript in its entirety on many of the news source links here on the right hand side page of the blog - or you can just click Fox Raw Data

The you tube video links (parts 1-7 follow this part 4 video and excerpt transcript.)

Here is the video part 4/5 where the President is being asked about his thoughts on mistakes he has made throughout his Presidency. He gave very candid answers.

I will allow all readers to form their own opinions on The Presidents outgoing, final statements.

The full Final Press Conference can be viewed in sections through the video links below.

Press Conference Video Link Part One

Press Conference Video Link Part Two

Press Conference Video Link Part Three

Press Conference Video Link Park Four/Five

Press Conference Video Link Part 6

Press Conference Video Link Part 7

(much thanks to twolf10 on youtube for getting the entire final press conference online!)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just An Update

When I was going through my blogging history, trying to clean them all up and add them together - I came across my last article and posted response from Senator Reid. Here are the links to those articles and here is the Senator's response. The article was in reference to the illegal wire tapping by President Bush. He has always been very good about responding to all of my requests for answers to my questions, and those of my readers.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Response from Senator Reid

September 6, 2006

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

Thank you for contacting me regarding warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency (NSA). I appreciate hearing from you.

As you may know, last December, The New York Times reported on the existence of a covert program under which the NSA monitors the telephone calls and e-mails of individuals, including Americans, without obtaining a warrant under the procedures set forth in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Although Administration officials contend that this program is limited to people with ties to terrorism, additional concerns were raised by a USA Today report that the NSA also has collected the phone records of millions of American citizens.

On August 17, 2006, a federal district court judge in Detroit ruled that the warrantless wiretapping program violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution and the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that requires the government to obtain a warrant for intelligence wiretaps involving people in the United States. The Justice Department immediately filed an appeal of this ruling, and the surveillance program will continue for the time being.

You may also be interested to learn that Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has introduced legislation (S. 2453) that would largely authorize the NSA program, subject to a review by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. While Senator Specter deserves commendation for conducting oversight of the NSA program, I believe that his legislation would amount to ratification of a program that does not adequately protect the privacy of innocent Americans.

The court's ruling is the latest example of how the Bush Administration has failed to implement balanced and effective anti-terror policies. The Administration's decision to ignore the Congress and skirt constitutional protections has jeopardized the security and liberties of the American people. It is time for the Administration to work with the Congress to develop effective tools to prevent terrorist attacks.

Please be assured that I am continuing to monitor this matter. I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate considers Senator Specter's legislation and related proposals.

My best wishes to you.


United States Senator
