Thursday, August 12, 2010


I left Las Vegas about 2-3 weeks ago and headed out to visit my parents in Charleston, S.C.  Then I boarded the Carnival Fantasy for 5 nights and sailed off to the Bahamas.  I returned to sunny Charleston and tomorrow I am visiting Savannah, GA.

Next week I am flying out to Chicago to visit with my brother for a few days before I head back to Vegas and prepare to write my next series of articles.  I will be writing a full review of the Cruise, which overall was pretty fantastic, and catching up on some political news about Senator Reid, Congresswoman Titus and some other local politicians running for office.  I also took plenty of notes on tours so that I could write some opinion pieces on history favorite subject!

This has been a fabulous vacation.  I look forward to getting back home and helping to finalize the Wounded & Homeless Veterans Charity Event coming up in September as well.  There are all kinds of things coming up to write about and get involved in this fall.

I also am launching a new site just about Las Vegas, called The Vegas Hotline.  That new venture should be off the ground and running early this fall.  Lots to do and lots to see and in the mean time...I am back off to enjoy the rest of my vacation and some quality time with my family.
