Sunday, July 26, 2009

Health Care Proposal Too Much To Read or Laziness?

I have been emailing and calling my State Senator Harry Reid hoping for a quick response. I have yet to hear from him but I am sure he will respond soon, as he always does. **UPDATE** Senator Harry Reid did respond on 08/20/2009 and his letter is shown in the comment section below.

Over the last 2 days I have read and reviewed both the Senate Proposal which is 615 pages in length, and the House Monstrosity Proposal in all of its 1018 pages of head-achey reading.

Today I sent out a mass email to everyone on my email list with links to the PDF versions of these Proposals so they can be saved to one's personal computer and read offline. If our elected Representatives whose sole job is to represent us are not willing to read it, at least we can and share our views with all of them before they return to Washington for the Fall Session. I also highly reccomend emailing the White House, using the contact form at to voice your opinions as well.

This is the email I sent out and also placed as a Note/Blog on my Facebook page this morning. I forwarded the email to Senator Reid and the White House. The people of this great Country are the only ones who can read this and make the decision on whether or not they approve of what is held within the pages of these proposals. Remind your politicians election time is right around the corner as they make their decisions on behalf of you. They will vote, but if we tell them, as many of us as we can, how we really feel, they just may do the right thing and vote on behalf of the people they represent.

Here is what I sent out in emails to my entire email list, Senator Harry Reid, the White House, and blogged about here and on Facebook. I believe none of us can agree or disagree unless we truly know what is held within these pages. Some things like our politicians being exempt from this program and retaining our tax payer dollar Health Insurance they all receive and enjoy will be kept. Why? If this is such a great plan, why can't they participate in it also? Why are they exempt from this "wonderful plan for all Americans"? Please take the time and read these proposals.

Sandra Bonadonna

What follows is the information I sent out this morning:


Links to the complete documents are found below.

Everytime a politician is being interviewed on the news they state they have not fully read their own proposals because "it is just to large". Yet the President wants it pushed through ASAP without anyone really knowing what is held within the pages of either proposal. So I encourage you to pass this along to everyone you know, because it comes down to our voices now.

The links below will allow you to save a PDF version of the proposals to your computer so you can read it offline. Once you have read it, I urge you to call your Senator(s) and Represantives and let them know you read it - question why they did not - ask why they are exempting themselves from this program and retaining the tax payer cushy insurance if they believe in this plan so much? Share your thoughts. For example, if you find something on page 53 that really bothers you ask your elected official about page 53 and offer to wait while s/he finds his/her copy, if in fact s/he has one available to reference.

The peoples voices must be heard on this before they return for the fall session. Please, please, forward this information by email, blog, facebook, myspace - any venue you can so that the people are aware they have the ability to read for themselves what is constantly being spoken about on the news and can have the facts in print for themselves. Whether you are in favor or not after reading all of this, at least you will be fully informed, which is more than our elected officials are offering.

Senate Proposal PDF Version (615pgs)

House Book Proposal Version (1018pgs)