Every single news channel is covering Inaugural Weekend. I'm bored already and can't wait for it all to commence on the 20th. How much can a person watch of a train going from city to city?
Yes, we have made history with a person of color being elected President, but some of this seems to have crossed a ridiculous point. I keep hearing about the cost. $150 Million, approximately is the cost for this Inaugural - Wow! How many starving people would that feed? Yeah, I know, we are making history, so let's spend away. I just can't help the sarcasm, folks. That is quite a bit of money to spend on a party.
I am looking forward to what our new President is going to accomplish over the next four years and I wish him the very best. I am just bored to tears with the stage shows and the grand entrances and the expensive parties with all the hoopla attached. He is just a man, an elected official who we expect much from in the way of leading our fine Country. I look forward to how he is going to lead much more than how he presents himself at parties, or how he gets to those parties.
I find it fascinating that President Obama will be sworn in the day after the US celebrates the designated Federal Birthday Holiday of Martin Luther King, Jr. I wonder if President Obama will echo Dr. King's famous "I have a dream" words in his speech - (I hope he does, for they surely are befitting!).
After the train rides, after the parties, after the celebrations and all the hoopla, this fine Country of ours will have a new leader - President Barack Obama. A serious turn in the pages of history will have taken place for the United States of America. On the 21st of January business as usual will be the order of the day and the hoopla will be the song of yesterday.
I look forward to January 21st, and a new and brighter tomorrow for all of us.
A Tribute to Holly the Terror Dog
2 hours ago