Saturday, August 29, 2009

Senator Kennedy A Reflection

I was sitting with my husband last night counting the number of presidents we have had in our lifetimes. We were softly laughing as we counted and he had two more than I did, being seven years my senior. I have lived through (yet have no real memory of) President's Nixon and Ford, but I remember President Jimmy Carter and I remember growing up hearing quite a bit about Senator Teddy Kennedy. I was a Chicago kid in the 70's, a teen in the 80's, and celebrated my 18th birthday in 1988 and participated in my first election. There was also, Regan, Bush 1, the Clinton Years, and the Bush 2 years, followed up now by the Obama Presidency.

I said to my husband that I had been listening to Mr. Dodd speak about his friendship with Teddy Kennedy, and I found it so touching to hear someone speak so genuinely fondly of someone they have known for 30 or more years. That is when I said wow, I am actually old enough to say I have known someone for 30 years. It occurred to me that life is moving along, every moment.

I sat and watched the entire Mass for Senator Kennedy this morning into this afternoon through my television screen. I have long considered myself a centrist, an Independent, someone who does not like the labels of political parties at all, really. However, as I sat and listened to the intercessory prayer requests, and the homily offered by the priest, and the passages that were chosen for the readings, I must admit, my heart was moved. I found myself in tears. I am not a big fan of organized religion as a whole, and I don't know much about the Catholic faith other than what I have learned & remembered from my personal attendance over the years as a child in a half Catholic family, and then marrying into a Catholic family, although my husband is not a practicing Catholic. I was spiritually moved though, today, and through tears I felt the drive and desire to want to do more than I have been doing in my local community to be of help to the stranger in need.

I was even more moved when I listened to his sons speak of him on such a personal level. It was nice to have the President speak the eulogy, but there was something special when his sons were speaking of their father just as their dad.

A lot was said today about a good man who tried to live his life the very best the he could. What more can anyone of us set out to do, and like Senator Kennedy claim success in the end. I appreciated the service today. Senator Kennedy will be missed.

Senator Reid's Response

This was orignally posted as a comment which was to appear directly under the original post. Since it did not, I am reposting it above the original post.

Response Received From Senator Harry Reid

August 20, 2009

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna

Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

Thank you for contacting me. I always appreciate hearing from Nevadans.

As Nevada's senior senator and the Senate Majority Leader, it is my job to do what is in the best interest of the people of Nevada. Please be assured that I take these responsibilities very seriously, and I will continue to do everything I can to make Nevada an even better place to live and raise a family.

Over the past month I have had the privilege of holding several town hall-style meetings by teleconference with Nevadans concerning health care. I am happy to inform you that more than five thousand Nevadans were able to participate. During these forums, Nevadans, like yourself, voiced their opinions on the pending health legislation. In fact, I am looking forward to scheduling at least one more of these discussions during the August recess. Please continue to visit my Web site at, for updates on this and other events.

Additionally, I have invited doctors throughout our state to weigh in on the issue of health care reform at: Too often providers are not part of a robust discussion on how we should fix the problems that exist in the health care system. During this month I have also received and responded to over 7,500 constituent letters regarding various health-related issues. You may be assured that as the 111th Congress proceeds I will continue to listen closely to the concerns of Nevadans.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.

United States Senator