As promised, Senator Reid released the full text of his Health Care Reform Plan in easy to read PDF format. Here is the link to the Senate bill H.R.3590
Personally, I do not see the need for 2074 pages of anything, (even some of my high-school teachers and college professors were not that mean as to give me this much reading material in such a short period of time to actually get the reading done - so, it really makes me wonder how all of our elected officials are going to pull of this reading assignment; but I wish you all the best of luck!).
What I do know about this 2074 pager that I will be reading all day is this:
I stand by my previous article as far as my personal opinion in this whole health care nightmare, which I sent to Senator Reid and he has still not replied.
This morning I heard snippets about Senator Reid's bill that included words such as, "medicare tax", "medicare being the public option", and other words that lead me to believe he did get and read the material I sent him, or someone over there in Harry Reid office land did - but first I have to dig through 2074 pages to find out for sure. (an email or response letter as usual would be nicer though). I understand how busy he is though, it must take a very long time to write up over 2000 pages of reading material.
So today I begin reading and I hope you do as well. I encourage all to pick up your phones after you read and tell your elected officials how you feel, whether you are for it or against. It is of the utmost importance to exercise our rights and make our voices heard, but our elected representatives can't read our minds, so pick up the phone and call. If you wonder how to find your Rep, try and type the Senator's or Representative's name and you should easily be able to find a link to their or website and find their contact information.
Have a good day everyone! I will post the House Majority Leader's response when I receive it.
A Tribute to Holly the Terror Dog
2 hours ago