Monday, January 26, 2009

Senator Harry Reid's Response (Senator Burris Appointment)

House Majority Leader, and Nevada Senator Harry Reid has always been very friendly with me and good about responding to my requests for written statements and answers to my questions for both my readers and myself. He has done so once again in reference to the the situation I wrote about with Senator Roland Burris, Illinois (D).

With the newest information released about the Illinois Governors hiring of a public relations firm to help him bounce around NY and appear on television during his Impeachment Trial, some new questions have come into play considering Blago - but I will write more on Blago later. For now, suffice it to say, we can all agree that Senator Burris is an honorable and good man and will serve Illinois and Washington well.

I thank Senator Reid, sincerely, as always, for taking the time to respond to my readers and me.

The Senator's response:

January 24, 2009

Mrs. Sandra Bonadonna
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Mrs. Bonadonna:

As you know, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was recently arrested based on allegations that he conspired to commit several "pay-to-play" schemes, including attempting to sell the Senate seat recently vacated by President Barack Obama. As a former Capitol Police Officer and dedicated public servant, I found the charges against the Governor appalling and as serious a breach of the public trust as I have ever heard. Based on these circumstances, I, along with all members of the Senate Democratic Caucus, discouraged Governor Blagojevich from appointing any candidate to the vacant Senate seat, out of concern that anyone he would appoint would be - fairly or unfairly - tainted by questions of impropriety.

Despite this request and impending impeachment proceedings, Governor Blagojevich appointed Roland Burris, a dedicated public servant of the State of Illinois, to the Illinois Senate seat. I have made it clear from the beginning that my concerns were never about the qualifications or integrity of Senator Burris, but rather the cloud of corruption surrounding Governor Blagojevich.

After the Illinois Secretary of State sent the Senate the necessary credentials for Mr. Burris and he provided sworn testimony before the Illinois House Committee on Impeachment regarding the circumstances of his appointment, Roland Burris was sworn in as the junior senator for the state of Illinois on January 15, 2009. Public service is the crutch of our democracy and the alleged actions of Governor Blagojevich, whose impeachment has been recommended by the Illinois General Assembly, rock the very foundation of our government that is of, by and for the people. There are many paths to the United States Senate, and while it is fair to say Senator Burris's was unique, his actions during this uncertain transition reflect a strong character that will serve him well in Washington as he continues his service for the people of Illinois.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I am confident that the 111th Congress will usher in a renewed era of accountability and transparency in Washington as my colleagues and I continue our work for the American people. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

My best wishes to you.

United States Senator