I have been rather hard on my Senator as of late, during all the health care stuff, but Senator Harry Reid was here in Las Vegas last night at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Campus and he gave quite a speech. I was unable to attend, but he was kind enough to send me his remarks, so that I would be able to share them with my readers. I would sincerely like to thank Senator Reid for never forgetting to listen to the voice of this one little disabled mom of 4. He never forgets this little citizen with the crooked spine who almost fell over after two solid hours of trying to help those Pilots get the word out that day because my health could barely hold up, but the Senator listened and came through! He never fails to respond to my blog, to my questions, to take my calls, even when I give him a hard time. I am grateful, Senator Reid, this little Citizen thanks you for always taking to the time to simply listen and respond.
Here is the Senator's Health Care Remarks from the UNLV Judy Bayley Theatre last night, Thursday January 7, 2010:
After decades of waiting and years of suffering, in just a matter of weeks this health insurance reform bill will become law. We are closer than ever to making this dream a reality.
We've come this far and stand this close because of you. Don't let the political rhetoric andWashington photo-ops fool you - it's you who've made this possible.
Every day the people of Nevada have spoken to me in person, visited my office, written me letters, and called me on the phone - all to share their stories and help explain to America why doing nothing is not an option.
I've listened carefully to your stories - I've even shared many of them on the floor of theUnited States Senate - and I've thought about each and every one of them as we wrote this good bill.
Too many hardworking Nevadans don't need statistics to tell them that our state suffers more than almost any other from a broken health insurance system. And I'm here to tell you that when President Obama signs this bill into law, Nevada will benefit more than almost any other.
Nevada has the second highest rate of uninsured citizens in the nation. That often leads to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and as you know Nevada has the highest rate of foreclosures in the country. And in far too many cases, lack of health insurance leads to more sickness and even death - in fact, America is the only developed country in the world where dying for lack of health care is even possible.
That's what I mean when I say that doing nothing is not an option. And that's why I am proud of what this bill will do.
It will make health care affordable for half a million Nevadans who today have none, and lower premiums by as much as $1,600 for those who do.
It will stop greedy insurance companies from denying health care to the sick. That happens to thousands every day in Nevada and across the nation - but when this bill becomes law, that number will drop to zero.
It will ensure consumers like you have more choices, and ensure insurance companies face more competition.
For seniors, it will mean free annual check-ups. And it will close that loophole known as the "doughnut hole" so seniors can finally afford all of their prescription drugs - instead of having to decide which pills to split and which to skip.
This bill will also add years to the life of Medicare, which will add years to the life of our seniors. Let me be clear, if you're on Medicare, you won't see a single cut to the benefits you receive. In fact, our bill gives you more. I would never push a bill that would do anything less than strengthening this vital program.
It will make more Nevadans eligible for Medicaid, and I made sure it will do that in a way that protects our state's economy. It will give 24,000 small businesses in Nevada a tax credit to help them cover their employees and their families. And because more people will be able to go to the doctor, this bill will help bring more doctors to our state, and will supportcommunity health centers. As we do all this, we will slash our children's deficit in dramatic measure.
We may not completely cure this crisis today or tomorrow, but we must get started toward that end. That's what this bill does - it starts to trade a system that demands you pay more and get less for one in which you will pay less and get more.
You've no doubt heard a lot of myths and rumors about this bill. Some people say that we should solve the health care crisis by eliminating mandates and allowing insurance companies to get away with providing less care than they already are. Let me tell you, they are dead wrong.
I think it's too bad that some care more about politics or partisanship or polling than they do about the health of their neighbors. Because affording to live a healthy life isn't about politics, or partisanship, or polling.
It is about people.
It's about making sure no Nevadan has to choose between taking their mother to the doctor or sending their daughter to college.
It's about making sure no Nevadan has to hear a health insurance company tell them they are too risky to help.
It's about helping all Nevadans and all Americans - those fortunate enough to have health care, and those who do not.
It's about making the ability to afford a healthy life in America a right and not merely a privilege for the wealthy.
When health insurance reform becomes a reality - and we're closer than ever to that day: the uninsured will benefit - and so will the insured; seniors will benefit - and so will children;small business owners will benefit - and so will their employees; the healthy will benefit - and so will the sick.
And more than almost every other state in America, Nevada will benefit.
We're doing this because it is not a question of politics - it is a question of morality. It isn't about left and right - it's about right and wrong.
Health insurance reform is about saving lives, saving you money and saving Medicare. It's about human suffering. And given the chance to relieve this suffering, we must take it.
So, on an ending note, I will be re-reviewing his materials, and studying them again, and writing a new opinion within the week, based on this and some other new materials I have received. I thank the Senator for keeping us informed.
I opened up my email inbox this morning to get yet another one of the mass emails from my Senator, Harry Reid, bragging yet again about this "wonderful new health care reform legislation". EXCEPT..this time, the email says I can go to his website and download all the information and read all about it! Not. Disappointed yet again..
So here I was (prior to opening the file), all humble, after my article yesterday, getting ready to pick up the phone and call his office and apologize, and then write a big retraction..until I open the file and begin to read! SERIOUSLY?? Either this is a summary or they spent all this time in secret to simply add 383 pages to 2074 existing painful pages.
What is on the website at http://www.reid.senate.gov/index.cfm is the Original 2074 page headache of read, Bill, and a new link for a PDF download that states: Manager's Amendment Now Available, 12/19/2009
Download the complete text of the Manager's Amendment, #3276 to Reid Substitute amendment #2786 (Click for PDF) and if this link does not work for you to simply click on, you can try this..
(Heads up, readers and friends, this is one is only 383 pages, average length of textbook..) but I encourage you to all read and read quickly so that you can pick up the phone and call your legislators and tell them if you are for or against this. Once again, please remember they can't read your minds and they need to know how you feel. They need to be reminded they represent us, not their own personal agendas, and they will not know what we think unless we are reading and educating ourselves, and then emailing, or calling them and making them aware of our feelings. This is legislation about us, the people, so please all I ask is that you make yourself aware and your opinion known via phone or email.
I can honestly say, I find the fact that this is all we are receiving and this closed door nonsense, secret keeping, sweetheart deals, and using CLOTURE rather than a fair Democratic political process to do anything is seriously affecting my choices and opinions in future elections. I am not anti-health care reform, I am anti-failure to use the democratic political process, and secret meetings, and not allowing the American people in on the process. Let us in and let us share, and allow our voices to simply be heard and allow us to let us know what you are doing, that is all, nothing more.
In my little corner of the world it does not seem like you are asking too much to be involved in the process of an all new program that is going to affect the lives of all American Citizen's.
Just my opinion though..
Oh, and just out of curiosity..Who is the Manager..you know on the Manager's Bill and Amendment? :)
Happy Holidays to one and all!
Sandra, I am not completely happy with the bill but it's a start. It can be modified later. At least we have a bill now which is more than has ever been accomplished before. I would have liked a public option, to force the insurance companies to be competitive. But maybe that can be one of the improvements after we learn if they are going to try to hijack the insured.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!