So unless you are an avid Internet reader, or watch cable television news - and even then a majority of the media outlets didn't even report on this story, which is a pretty major story, you may not even know anything at all about the Green Jobs Czar Van Jones.
White House Green Jobs Czar Van Jones resigned stating in a letter (paraphrased) that he didn't want all this misinformation and lies being spread about him to get in the way of the White House being able to move forward on it's pressing projects.
Okay, I would believe that EXCEPT NO ONE LIED ABOUT HIM. The stories that were covered on this man were videos and excerpts using his very own words, coming out of his very own mouth! This man has a lot of nerve, and what really ticks me off is the lack of media coverage from the Networks on these "Czars"! Where are you ABC, NBC, CBS? Why is it I have to consistently turn to Fox and the Internet if I want to find anything out? What the hell is happening to journalism in this country?
Here is part of the statement from Van Jones resignation letter:
" On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
This man signed a 9/11 Truther petition in 2004, the conspiracy theory that the Bush Admin deliberately let the terror attacks happen, ya' know. He claims he never bothered to read the petition in which he affixed his signature to.
This man called former President Bush a crackhead. The statement he made was "The President of the United States sounded like a a crackhead trying to lick the crackpipe for a fix."
This man called Republicans a not so nice word a**holes. (then again can't really hang him out to dry on this one, as a Centrist Independent, I have had choice words for both parties myself - but I don't work in the White House, and I don't do so publicly.) This was 7 months ago when asked why he thought Congressional Republicans were opposing some Obama Administration programs. The statement was, "The answer to that is they're a-holes."
Then he gets racist. Yep, the guy played the race card and it is on video - him speaking. No twisting of words, no vicious smear campaign - unless he is the one doing the vicious smearing.
On school violence he says:
"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. A black kid might shoot another black kid. He's not going to shoot up the whole school."
And here is a Van Jones keeper - tell me Van Jones, just how are your words being twisted?
"The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of the colored communities."
Really? Really? Bye, bye Van Jones. The only thing missing in Van Jones resignation letter was an apology. Poor him - I don't think so. He will go on to write a book, ala Bill Ayers, I have no doubt. I won't miss this particular "Czar".
What is up with these Czars anyway? Since when do we need them? Who do they answer to? Will the next President be able to appoint an Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute anything and everything these "Czars" possibly do wrong, or potentially look wrong to someone, and make a major issue out of it well into the next administration?
Goose, Gander and all that. Not to mention Karma.
A Tribute to Holly the Terror Dog
2 hours ago
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