Friday, September 11, 2009

Rembering the Victims & Hero's of 9/11

Today I have decided to post a short memorial for all of those innocent victims and hero's who died on September 11, 2001. Off and on, all day today I have to stop to cry, as I remembered what I still can't believe happened to our Country that sad and tragic September morning.

Every year I turn the History Channel and other television sources and re-watch the documentaries, because long I go I made a promise to be one of those who will never forget.

I will never forget that morning as I sat in front of the television brushing my 9 year old daughter's hair and helping to prepare her for school. It was a regular routine. I have four kids and my oldest child and I would get up early, turn on Good Morning America, and spend quiet time getting her ready for school first.

At first we thought maybe someone was making a movie because this couldn't possibly be real. Then the second plane hit the second tower and the both of us were mortified - mother and child. Today that child remembers with me as she gets ready to graduate high-school and even she says it still seems like yesterday as a clear and sad memory for her.

I did take my kids to school that morning, thinking it was the best place for them to be. We lived in Chicago then. It only took me 30 minutes, after seeing more of what was happening on the news to turn around and go get them right back out of school and bring them home - just in case Chicago was a possible target too. We all were afraid that day - afraid, and ever so heart broken for all those people who lost their lives because some lunatic terrorists thought it was okay to murder in the name of God.

Today is a sad day for our Country, and a day I know I will never forget as will all Americans. My heart and my prayers are with all of the victims and their families, not just today but always.

Blessings and my deepest wishes of comfort and solace to you all. I will never forget. We will never forget.

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