Rick Sanchez has said his goodbyes with CNN because he claims
Jon Stewart is a "bigot" and those who run CNN are just like Stewart.
President Obama is supporting Stewart's 10.30.10 Rally To Restore
Sanity at The Washington Mall.
Arianna Huffington has promised bus transportation to all who need it
and can meet the buses in front of her NY office to travel to Stewart's
10.30.10 Rally To Restore Sanity.
Bill O'Reilly appears on Stewart's The Daily Show, and Stewart
appears on O'Reilly's The Factor.
Stewart talks about both appearances while stopping to visit David
Letterman on his show.
Glenn Beck discusses the Letterman show and Stewart on his radio
program after Stewart again discusses his desires to appear on the
Beck program.
The list goes on..
I personally am a fan of Jon Stewart's The Daily Show and I watch it
often. I admit I turn to Stewart when I need a lighter, more comedic
take on the miserable news of the day. I never watch the show,
however, thinking that I am watching something other than comedy.
Isn't that the point of his show? Comedic relief using news topics
as source material?
I was reading the Drudge Report on my droid..(I recently installed the
Drudge Report app for droids), and I learned of the departure of Rick
Sanchez from CNN and was shocked at his statements! Seriously this
man can't take a comedy show and make it something personal, so
personal that he lashes out and accuses Stewart of being a bigot?
I then headed off to obtain a copy of the transcript of the Interview between
Rick Sanchez and Pete Dominick on Sirius XM. The man's words really
baffle me.
"It’s not just the right that does this. cause I’ve known a lot of elite
Northeast establishment liberals that may not use this as a business
model but deep down when they look at a guy like me they look
at a-- they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second
tier and not the top tier."
"I think Jon Stewart’s a bigot. I think he looks at the world through
his mom who was a schoolteacher, and his dad who was a physicist
or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a
suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything that
you could ever imagine."
When Pete Dominick asked him what group Stewart is bigoted
toward, Sanchez responded: "Everybody else who's not like him.
Look at his show! What does he surround himself with?"
The interview continues on and then there is this exchange between
Pete Dominick and Rick Sanchez, where Dominick is apparently
attempting to reach the rational side of Sanchez.
Sanchez: "I think Jon's show is essentially prejudicial. I think that
Jon’s show is…"
Dominick: "Against who?"
Sanchez: "Against anybody who doesn't agree to his point of view,
which is very much a white liberal establishment point of view. He
cant relate to a guy like me. He can’t relate to a guy who's dad
worked all his life. He can’t relate to somebody who grew up poor."
Dominick: "He cant relate to … whoah whoah whoah he's a standup
Sanchez: "No, he's not. According to Time magazine, he's the guy
that most Americans trust for news."
Dominick: "Whatever, he's a standup comedian."
Yes it is true that Stewart may be the most trusted name in news,
but it is also true that those who watch him are intelligent people
who are fully aware that they are viewing a comedic program on
a channel titled Comedy Central. We are further aware that Jon
Stewart is a Comedian! We are aware that he pokes fun at the
news and those who report it. I personally choose to watch this
comedy because it takes the edge of the sadness, in-fighting,
and miserableness of the news in general and makes me laugh
at least once per day. I remember watching SNL News skits
years ago for the same reasons. I am grateful for comedy outlets
like this because frankly I think we all are prone to take life just a
bit too seriously from time to time and need a break.
Did Sanchez deserve to lose his job? At first I wasn't so sure
and then I read the entire transcript. I am not so keen on anyone
losing their job, especially in this economy, but I am not his boss.
Maybe he could have used some counseling or anger management
therapy, who knows? He seems to be a rather upset and angry
gentleman. You can read the entire transcript of the Pete Dominick
interview here:
Jon Stewart sure is a popular fellow these days. This comedian seems
to be at the height of his popularity for numerous reasons, but being a
bigot is obviously not one of them.
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