Friday, July 12, 2013

It Is Who I Am..

Music, for me, is a religious experience.  Regardless of genre, I truly like all kinds, the outcome is the same - my hands are in the air, just like in church, and I feel what I can only describe as a true religious awakening and my soul comes to new, reborn, refreshed life.  Music speaks to me like no other media vehicle.  The lyrics only enhance the composition and I feel myself slipping into a pure, safe, true, loving and honest state where the music truly washes over me and cleanses my soul. I love to write lyrics and create musical composition. I "hear" musically, always have and probably always will, it is who I am and what I do.

I started writing when I was three years old.  My mom heard me making up my own lyrics and says that I would walk around singing to myself - so she bought me my first tape recorder.  It was a 1973 model of the PlaySkool ® plastic tape recorder, white, yellow, red and blue with the attached microphone on the side.  Remember those? I have always been a writer.  It is who I am and it is what I do.  

I write about everything and anything and nothing.  I am a woman, my mother’s daughter and daddy’s little girl.  I am a mother of the five most wonderful blessings I could have ever have been given.  I am a grandmother (albeit still trying to wrap my head around this one - only 43) to the sweetest, most beautiful 9 month old baby boy.  I am a wife to my husband of 19 years and I am beyond blessed to also say that he is my best friend.  I am a sister who loves her siblings.  I am a cousin and niece who loves all the extended members of my family as if they were siblings.  I am a friend with anyone who will share friendship with me.  It is who I am and what I do.

Mostly though, I am a human being.  A simple, yet complicated creature who tends to make many mistakes, falls down and has to get back up often, and anything but perfect.  I am me - nothing more and nothing less - but I do like think that I try, each and every day to find ways to improve.  It is who I am it is what I do.

I have been on sabbatical from ZonePolitical for nearly 3 years now.  The last three years of my life have been challenging.  I have learned much about myself along the way.  It was a great thing to do but now it is time to get back to who I am.  During this sabbatical some squatter came along and bought my web aka zonepolitical - so until we get that straightened out, I am going to continue to run the Zone on the Blogger site and I will drop links on F-book and Twitter.  A few years ago I took the Zone into an alternative Entertainment and Travel direction in addition to political reporting and commentary - simply because politics will make you sick if you don’t find a way to lighten up.  I have decided to continue this practice.  

In the last few years I have written books (some of which will be published later this year), published poetry and spiritual writings, and reconnected in a big way with my family.  Thank you, all of you, who have stood by me and continue to support me in all of my endeavors.  

I look forward to writing a weekly installment on the Zone every Sunday, and I hope you will look forward to reading it.  

Thank you for hanging in there with me while I walked this journey of self discovery - of finding out who I am and what I do. I wish blessings and peace for you all.

With Love,
Sandra Dee Bonadonna


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